Most StatusDashboard customers have status dashboard users in different geographic regions around the world which means event times and their associated timezones are very important. We've designed StatusDashboard to accommodate timezone flexibility both from the administrative standpoint, and the user standpoint. StatusDashboard currently supports the following timezone settings:
User Timezone |
Visitors to a status dashboard (e.g. have the option of setting their timezones, depending on their preference (e.g. geographic location). In the status bar at the top of the status dashboard homepage there is clock icon which when clicked, allows the user to select their timezone. Once a user sets their timezone, whenever they visit the status dashboard, all times will automatically be adjusted to this timezone. |
Administrative User Profile Timezone |
Each StatusDashboard administrator has the option of setting their own timezone preference for their user account. This setting is located by navigating to the following location in the StatusDashboard administration portal: User Profile > Options > Timezone. Select the timezone where you currently reside (or whatever timezone you desire) and click the save button. Once set, whenever you create/update events in the StatusDashboard administration portal, the timezone you have selected here will be used to calculate dates/times. |
Status Dashboard Timezone |
All times on the status dashboard (e.g. will be displayed in the Status Dashboard Timezone unless a status dashboard visitor has set their User Timezone preference (as described above), which will take precedence over the Status Dashboard Timezone. The Status Dashboard Timezone can be set in the StatusDashboard administration portal by navigating to Status Dashboards > Edit > Options Drop-Down > Internationalization > Timezone |
Event Notification Timezone |
Any event notifications that include date/time (e.g. email notifications) will be displayed using the Status Dashboard Timezone. |