Added an additional dashboard grouping option to allow groups to automatically expand when they contain an active event (incident or maintenance). [UserVoice Reference]
Added the option to choose calendar icons that represent active incidents, resolved incidents and scheduled maintenance activities. [UserVoice Reference]
Added dedicated SMTP IP addresses from which all StatusDashboard event email will be sent. Dedicated IP addresses can be obtained from the public StatusDashboard configuration file.
Added the option to obtain dedicated SMTP IP addresses specific to one customer account.
When the order of digital sign services are changed they are now displayed properly in the administrative interface as well as the digital sign itself.
Digital signs that have auto refresh enabled and lose connectivity to StatusDashboard (i.e. during a network outage at the customer site) will no longer fail when auto refreshing. They will display a visual error indicator under the header and will retry connectivity to StatusDashboard every 30 seconds until the digital sign can be refreshed.