Email addresses can now be set to locked by StatusDashboard administrators which prevents end users from managing subscriptions for those email addresses, or unsubscribing those email addresses from alerts. This can be helpful if you have subscribed internal email distribution lists to notifications, and you do not want end users unsubscribing or otherwise managing subscriptions for those distribution lists. Email addresses can be set to locked by navigating to the list of email subscriptions for a dashboard here: Notifications > Email> Dashboard Options > Subscribers > [Dashboard]. Select any subscription in the list and click the lock/unlock icons in the toolbar to lock or unlock the email addresses. Note: Locking/Unlocking a single subscription for a particular email address, when other subscriptions exist on the dashboard for the same email address will lock/unlock all subscriptions for that email address.
A bug that prevented some customers from including custom email subject and sms text in events when utilizing the /ap1/v1/event/list/ API endpoint has been corrected.